World of .Cloud

News and updates from the world of .cloud

Celebrating 4 years of modern business and digital transformation


February 16th, 2020 marks the 4th anniversary of leading domain .Cloud. As we enter our 5th year, we want to thank and celebrate our successful partnerships with modern businesses all over the world. We also look ahead to the future where the cloud will play a vital role as it continues to transform business and enhance our everyday lives. 

In 2019 we reached the milestone of 200,000 registrations with registrants spanning 180 countries. We are honoured to see so many modern businesses choose the .cloud domain for their corporate identity, products and services, and their digital transformation initiatives. Last year, .Cloud entered China’s booming digital economy, appealing to digital businesses and start-ups. As of today, we are pleased to see over 20,000 domain names registered in China. 

As we look to the rest of 2020 and beyond – the evolution of cloud will define the future. Cloud will become ubiquitous, and modern businesses will lead us into a better connected and smarter world. To celebrate our birthday we have created a special Infographic below. 

