World of .Cloud

News and updates from the world of .cloud

Have a (.cloud) white Christmas!


It's no mystery that for .CLOUD, 2016 has been a pretty eventful and intense year. We are looking forward to recharging our batteries over the holidays before we dive into the adventures of the new year.

So much has happened in the last 12 months. It is nice to look back and be grateful for all the support and help we have received along the way. A year ago, we were knee-deep in the preparations for the launch of .cloud, working hard to spread the word about all the cool things you can do with a .cloud domain name. Thankfully, that task was made a bit easier by the great stories of .cloud Pioneers like Atomia, FashionCloud, FoodCloud or ePages.

It was a great joy to see all these efforts pay off as .cloud hit General Availability on February 16th, and to see 30000 domains registered in the first week. As 2016 comes to a close, it is exciting to see almost 90000 .cloud domains registered in less than a year and to see the variety of great sites being launched on a .cloud domain day after day. This is a great result for us and a success story we share with our Registrar partners around the world.

2016 has also been a year spent on the road: from World Hosting Days to DockerCon to Cloud Expo. We have enjoyed every occasion to come out and meet new people, and we look forward to new occasions to share our passion in 2017!

To all our friends out there, the best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a great start of the new Year!